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Swedish Punsch is a Rum liqueur of two histories—a national drink in Sweden, for over 287 years, and a component of numerous classic cocktails since the late 1800's.KRONAN is a blend of selected double pot-stilled rum from the East and West Indies—From the Island of Java in Indonesia (Batavia Arrack) and from Jamaica and Port Mourant Distillery Guyana, in the Caribbean. What makes the difference in both nose and taste is in the fermentation process of the sugarcane molasses used to make the Batavia Arrack, the local red rice of Java, that is part of the yeast used and together with the aging/storage in open teak wood vats creates this unique character.  Balanced with the intriguing rum from Port Mourants, Guyana, green wood stills, aromatic and complexed, and the Jamaican Rum smooth and inviting, lends to the unique characters found in KRONAN. The nose has “funky” rum characters of smokiness, toffee, leather and molasses. The liqueur has a full-bodied, lingering taste with exceptional depth.Use in the Doctor Cocktail, Diki-Diki, and Mabel Berra cocktails. With ice and a squeeze of lime, KRONAN is an ideal and easy afternoon drink, after dinner, or with good cigars.

Kronan Swedish Punsch Rum Liqueur 750ml

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