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  • Village: Santa Maria Albarradas
  • Palenquero: Rogelio Martinez Cruz, Leopoldino Miranda
  • State: Oaxaca
  • Region: Sierra Norte
  • Maguey: Tobala
  • Agave Species: A. potatorum
  • Age of Maguey: 12-18 years
  • Elevation: 1700 M (5577 feet)
  • Roast Duration: 30 days
  • Type of Wood: Oak
  • Milling: Molino, Horse
  • Size of Tinas: 1400 L
  • Fermentation Duration: 6-8 days
  • Water Source: Spring
  • Still Type: Copper
  • Still Size: 350 L
  • ABV of Mezcal: 45%

Del Maguey 100% Tobala Mezcal 750ml

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